hatchling shopping list
Enclosure Supplies
Nano Breeze enclosure – Great enclosure to use for hatchling chameleons until they’re 3 months old
Cool enclosure background — Helps hold humidity, provide a visual barrier, and keep the mist from hitting the walls
Enclosure shelf/rack — Will fit 15 Nano Breeze enclosures per shelf
36” Bio Dude T5 HO UVB fixture – This is what will hold your T5 UVB bulb
34” Arcadia 6% UVB bulb – Make sure your UVB bulb is linear and not a circular/compact bulb (Having the correct UVB bulb is a matter of life of death)
MistKing starter system – This is my all-time favorite automatic misting system
MistKing nozzles — Each enclosure will need one if you want to automate your setup