What supplements does a chameleon need?
Supplementation is the process of dusting the live bugs with powdered vitamins before feeding the bugs to your chameleon. Supplements are not optional and are absolutely required to maintain the health of your chameleon. These supplements are necessary if you are going to keep your chameleon indoors since they are not able to get access to natural sun and the benefits that come with it. (Putting your chameleon by a window will not suffice since house windows are built to cancel out UVB). Additionally, the supplements help balance out the improper calcium to phosphorus ratio that is present in the bugs we feed to captive chameleons such as crickets, dubia roaches, etc. Without the proper supplements your chameleon is at risk for developing health issues such as swollen eyes, metabolic bone disease, etc. The supplements you use, and how often you use them will be dependent on your species.
Primary supplement: calcium without vitamin d3
Frequency: Use this every time you feed your chameleon.
You only need ONE of these. I’ve used all of them myself. Just wanted to give you options.
Secondary supplement: Multivitamin with d3
Frequency: Use 2x a month for veiled or panther and 1x a month for Jackson’s.
You only need ONE of these. I personally use the Reptivite.
Tertiary supplement: Bee pollen
Frequency: 1x a week in addition to your calcium without D3.
Bee pollen is considered a superfood. I use mostly as a gutload but about once a week I’ll dust with it alongside my calcium/multivitamin.
You only need ONE of these. I’ve used all of them myself. Just wanted to give you options.